BMW Product Genius Jobs in Abu Dhabi Apply Now

United Al Saqer Group

BMW Product Genius Jobs in Abu Dhabi – Apply Now

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1- BMW Product Genius
Job: Full Time
Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE


The Product Genius is a highly qualified vehicle expert with a comprehensive technical knowledge of all BMW models. All you need to become a BMW Product Genius is passion for our vehicles, in-depth knowledge of our vehicles and a big personality to match. So bring us your pride in building relationships and start sharing some of that joy.

The great thing about being a BMW Product Genius is that you get to share your passion for our products without the pressure of trying to sell them. In that way, you’re acting more like our brand ambassador. Your responsibility is to generate excitement, to make our customers feel special, and to inspire them with your knowledge.

But that’s not all. You’ll get to test drive every car we sell. It’s just part of the process of getting to know us, and it helps you bring the driving experience to life for our customers. Because it’s not just about the car’s performance or features. It’s about understanding the customer’s needs, and providing them with the most suitable option.

Job Requirements:

  • Excellent IT skills, including Microsoft Office and technical capability
  • UAE Driving license holder for a minimum of 1 year
  • Previous customer service experience within the automotive industry
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills with an ability to communicate to guests in non-technical terms, whilst in a professional and welcoming manner
  • Excellent knowledge on technologies and the newest advances in technologies

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